Contact points

Member: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Home-based Official
Name --
Job Title --
Mission/ Representation --
Department and Ministry
Permanent Delegation of St Vincent and the Grenadines
Postal address
c/o Embassies of the Eastern Caribbean States Rue de Livourne 42 B-1000 Brussels
Office Telephone
+32 2 / 534 26 11
Mobile --
Member: Samoa
Geneva-based Official
Home-based Official
Name -- --
Job Title -- --
Mission/ Representation -- --
Department and Ministry --
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Postal address --
Level 3 Government Building Apia, Samoa
Email --
Office Telephone --
+685 21171
Mobile -- --
Member: Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of
Geneva-based Official
Home-based Official
Mr. Anas Hussain ALOUFI
Job Title
Economic Counsellor
Mission/ Representation
Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the WTO
Department and Ministry -- --
Postal address
Route de Lausanne 263, 1292 Chambésy
Email --
Office Telephone
+41 227589600
Member: Senegal
Geneva-based Official
Home-based Official
Name -- --
Job Title -- --
Mission/ Representation
Permanent Mission of the Republic of Senegal to the United Nations Office
Department and Ministry -- --
Postal address
International Centre Cointrin (ICC) Route de Pré-Bois 20 Bâtiment H, 4ème étage 1215 Geneva 15
Email --
Office Telephone
+41 (22) 918 02 30
Mobile -- --
Member: Seychelles
Geneva-based Official
Home-based Official
Ms. Veronique BRUTUS
Mr. Ashik HASSAN
Job Title
Trade Attaché
Director General
Mission/ Representation
Permanent Mission of the Republic of Seychelles
Department and Ministry --
Trade Division, Ministry of Finance, Trade, Investment and Economic Planning
Postal address
Nation Business Centre, 2nd Floor, 1 Rue du Pre-de-La Bichette, 1202 Geneva
2nd Floor, Maison Esplanade P.O. Box 313, Victoria, Mahé, Republic of Seychelles
Office Telephone
+41 (22) 730 1757
+248 4 382135/34
+41 79 870 6921
Member: Sierra Leone
Geneva-based Official
Name --
Job Title --
Mission/ Representation
Embassy and Permanent Mission of the Republic of Sierra Leone to the United Nations Office, WTO and other International Organisations at Geneva
Department and Ministry --
Postal address
Route de Ferney 194B 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
Office Telephone
+41 (22) 519 22 74
Mobile --