Format: 2024
Document Code Title Date of circulation
G/LIC/W/51/Rev.10 Consolidated paper of written questions and replies submitted to the Committee on Import Licensing since 1995 - Revision 08 May 2024
G/LIC/W/51/Rev.9 Consolidated paper of written questions and replies submitted to the Committee on Import Licensing since 1995 - Revision 19 October 2023
G/LIC/W/60 Draft Report (2023) of the Committee on Import Licensing to the Council for Trade in Goods 19 October 2023
G/LIC/W/59 WTO response to the pandemic - Report to the CTG by the Chairperson of the Committee on Import Licensing 22 December 2022
G/LIC/W/58 Report on the current functioning of the Committee on Import Licensing - Report of the Chairperson 02 December 2022
G/LIC/W/57 Fourteenth Biennial Review of the Implementation and Operation of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures 27 September 2022
G/LIC/W/56 Draft Report (2022) of the Committee on Import Licensing to the Council for Trade in Goods 26 September 2022
G/LIC/W/55 Draft Report (2021) of the Committee on Import Licensing to the Council for Trade in Goods 01 October 2021
G/LIC/W/54 Thirteenth Biennial Review of the Implementation and Operation of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures 01 October 2020
G/LIC/W/53 Draft Report (2020) of the Committee on Import Licensing to the Council for Trade in Goods 29 September 2020