Format: 2024
Document Code Title Date of circulation
G/LIC/W/52 Draft Report (2019) of the Committee on Import Licensing to the Council for Trade in Goods 25 September 2019
G/LIC/W/50 Draft Report (2018) of the Committee on Import Licensing to the Council for Trade in Goods 12 October 2018
G/LIC/W/49 Twelfth Biennial Review of the Implementation and Operation of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures 12 October 2018
G/LIC/W/48 Draft Report of the Committee on Import Licensing to the Council for Trade in Goods 22 September 2017
G/LIC/W/47 Eleventh Biennial Review of the implementation and operation of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures 25 October 2016
G/LIC/W/46 Draft Report of the Committee on Import Licensing to the Council for Trade in Goods 21 October 2016
G/LIC/W/45 Draft Report (2015) of the Committee on Import Licensing to the Council for Trade in Goods 13 October 2015
G/LIC/W/44 Tenth Biennial Review of the implementation and operation of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures 14 October 2014
G/LIC/W/43 Draft Report (2014) of the Committee on Import Licensing to the Council for Trade in Goods 13 October 2014
G/LIC/W/42 Draft Report (2013) of the Committee on Import Licensing to the Council for Trade in Goods 24 September 2013