Format: 2024
Document Code Title Date of circulation
G/LIC/W/11 Draft Report (1998) of the Committee on Import Licensing to the Council for Trade in Good 18 September 1998
G/LIC/W/10 Second Biennial Review of the implementation and operation of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures 21 September 1998
G/LIC/W/9 Proposal on Adoption of Consolidated Public Notice – Statement by Korea 20 October 1997
G/LIC/W/8 Draft Report (1997) of the Committee on Import Licensing to the Council for Trade in Good 02 October 1997
G/LIC/W/7 International Intergovernmental Organizations – Request for Observer status in the Committee on Import Licensing 03 January 1997
G/LIC/W/6 Draft Understanding on Procedures for the Review of Notifications Submitted under the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures – Note by the Secretariat 11 October 1996
G/LIC/W/5/Rev.1 First Biennial Review of the implementation and operation of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures - Revision 11 October 1996
G/LIC/W/4/Rev.1 Draft Report (1996) of the Committee on Import Licensing to the Council for Trade in Good - Revision 11 October 1996
G/LIC/W/3 Simplification of Data Requirements and Standardization of Formats – Note by the Secretariat 03 April 1996
G/LIC/W/2/Rev.1 Draft Report (1995) of the Committee on Import Licensing to the Council for Trade in Goods - Revision 25 October 1995