All import and export of goods between the Philippines and Socialist and Other Centrally Planned Economy Countries


Basic information


Outline of the system

As provided for under Letter of Instructions No. 444 s. 1976, all import and export of goods between the Philippines and Socialist and Other Centrally Planned Economy Countries (as per list) shall be coursed to the Philippine International Trading Corporation (PITC). Applicants are required to submit a duly accomplished company profile form to the PITC prior to the transaction. Transactions will require an accomplished Import/Export application form.


Product coverage

All imports and exports of goods and between the Philippines and Socialist Countries and Other Centrally Planned Economy Countries as covered.

Nature of licensing



If Automatic, administrative purpose



If Non-Automatic, description of the notified Non-Automatic Licensing regime

Non-Automatic licensing to trade (Import & Export) between the Philippines and Socialist Countries and Other Centrally Planned Economy Countries


Products under restriction as to the quantity or value of imports

The system is not intended to restrict the quantity and value of other trade. It was designed for the effective and systematic implementation of trade agreements as well as ad hoc trade arrangements with Socialist and Other Centrally Planned Economy Countries.


Questions for products under restriction as to the quantity or value of imports

Not applicable.


The system applies to products originating from which country?

The application system applies to the following Countries:

a) Albania
b) Angola
c) Ethiopia
d) Laos
e) Libya
f) Mongolia
g) Mozambique
h) Myanmar
i) Nicaragua
j) North Korea


Expected duration of licensing procedure


Eligibility of applicants


Is there a system of registration of persons or firms permitted to engage in importation?


What persons or firms are eligible to apply for a licence?

Any individual, partnership, corporation, association, joint venture, or other legal entity may be eligible to apply for licenses, as long as they submit their Company profile and import application form to the PITC.


Is there a registration fee?


Is there a published list of authorized importers?

Contact point for information on eligibility



Philippine International Trading Corporation



NDC Bldg., 116 Tordesillas Street, Salcedo Village,
1227 Makati City, Philippines



(632) 818-9801




E-mail address




Contact officer

Submission of an application


Administrative body(ies) for submission of an application

Philippine International Trading Corporation

Documentation requirements


What information is required in applications?

For first time applications, the applicant is asked to submit the duly accomplished Company Profile form and the valid ID of the applicant.


What documents is the importer required to supply with the application?

Window of submission of an application


How far in advance of importation must application for a licence be made?

Application for import permit may be filed at least one day before.


Are there any limitations as to the period of the year during which application for licence can be made? If so, explain

There are no limitations as to the period of the year which the application for permit and/or importation may be made.

Issuing the license


Can a licence be granted immediately on request?

The import permit cannot be granted immediately.


Can licences be obtained within a shorter time-limit or for goods arriving at the port without a licence

The PITC usually issues the permit within 24 hours from receipt of application.


Which administrative body is responsible for approving application of licences?

The PITC is the sole administrative body which issues the permit whereas the BOC requires the permit upon importation.


Must the applications be passed on to other organs for visa, note or approval?


Are there any other conditions attached to the issue of a licence?

There are no other conditions attached to the issuance of permit.

Fees and other administrative charges


Is there any licensing fee or administrative charge?

There are processing fees.


What is the amount of the fee or charge?

The Philippine International Trading Corporation imports processing fees are as follows:

Invoice value in USD-Processing Fee
a) Applications covering Import Value of less than US$50,000.00
• Involving one product item only – Php. 1,100.00
• For every additional item – Php. 110.00

b) Applications covering Import Value of US$50,000.00 – US$99,999.00
• Involving one product item only – Php. 1,650.00
• For every additional item – Php. 110.00

c) Applications covering import Value of US$100,000.00 and above
• Involving one product item only – Php. 2,200.00
• For every additional item – Php. 110.00
Additional charge for each amendment/extension – Php.440.00


Is there any deposit or advance payment required associated with the issue of licences?

No deposit or advance payment is required in connection with the issue of permits.
Please refer to for further information


Amount or rate?


Is it refundable?


What is the period of retention?


What is the purpose of this requirement?

Refusal of an application


Under what circumstances may an application for a licence be refused other than failure to meet the ordinary criteria?

Import applications are generally approved upon complete submission of required documents.


Are the reasons for any refusal given to applicants?


Have applicants a right of appeal in the event of refusal to issue a licence?


If so, to what bodies and under what procedures?



Are there any limitations as to the period of year during which importation may be made?

There are no limitations as to the period of the year which the application for permit and/or importation may be made.


What documents are required upon actual importation?

For all importations, the following are the documents required:

a) Import Form
b) Pro-forma Invoice
c) Company ID No.
d) Packing List
e) Bill of Lading


Are there any other administrative procedures, apart from import licensing and similar administrative procedures, required prior to importation?

According to LOI No. 444, for export of goods of the listed countries, particular emphasis shall be placed on export products listed in the trade and/or economic agreements with the importing country, if any, as well as those listed in the Export Priorities Plan of the Board of Investments, and export products of enterprises within the export processing zones and industrial estates established by the government.

Also from the LOI No. 444, the import and export of goods between the Philippines and any of the Socialist and other centrally-planned economy countries shall be in accordance with the laws and rules in force in the respective countries applicable to the import and export of the commodity involved.

Lastly, also from the LOI No. 444, the PITC shall adopt such measures and issue such as rules and regulations as may be deemed necessary for the effective discharge of its functions. Moreover, the processing and approval of applications for export and import from the Socialist and other centrally planned economy countries shall, henceforth, be performed by the said Corporation.

Conditions of licensing


What is the period of validity of a licence? Can the validity be extended? How?

Validity period is three months from date of issuance of permit.


Is there any penalty for the non-utilization of a licence or a portion of a licence?

There is no penalty for non-utilization of a permit.


Are licences transferable between importers? If so, are any limitations or conditions attached to such transfer?

Permits are not transferable between importers.

Foreign Exchange


Is foreign exchange automatically provided by the banking authorities for goods to be imported?

Not applicable.


Is a licence required as a condition to obtaining foreign exchange?

Not applicable.


Is foreign exchange always available to cover licences issued?

Not applicable.


What formalities must be fulfilled for obtaining the foreign exchange?

Not applicable.