COMEX Resolution No.019-2014 Amending Resolution No.450 on the list of products for import authorization dated 1 July 2014

Legislation no.: 
First published: 
First EIF: 
Legislation Status: 
In force
Latest notification: 

Official Journal No.330


Pursuant to Article 72(f) of the Organic Code of Production, Trade and Investment, published in Official Journal No.351 of 29 December 2010, the Foreign Trade Committee (COMEX) is responsible for issuing regulations on import licensing and import procedures other than customs procedures.
Amending the list of products subject to pre-import controls in Annex I of COMEXI Resolution No.450 by replacing "Sanitary Registration" with "Import Authorization for Pesticides and Similar Products for Agricultural Use" or "Sanitary Authorization for Veterinary Products" as the pre-import control document. It also amends the list of products subject to pre-import controls in Annex I - A of COMEXI Resolution No.465 by replacing "Importer Registration" with "Animal Health Import Permit".