Member: El SalvadorLegislation no.: 7First published: 15.12.2017Legislation Status: In forceLegislation PDF: Decreto No.856 - Ley de Procedimientos Administrativos_15.12.2017.pdfProduct categories: AlcoholPrepared foodstuffs, raw materials and additives for food and beveragesChemicals and compounds, pharmaceutical products, fertilizers and preparations for pharmaceutical use and cosmetics, hygiene products and medical inputsArms and ammunitionExplosives and pyrotechnic productsNarcotics, psychotropic substances, aggregated products, precursors, chemicals, and veterinary and anesthetic productsSources and equipment generating ionizing radiationHydrocarbonsPlants, animals and products thereofChemical and chemical-biological products for agricultural, livestock or veterinary useOzone depleting substancesHazardous substancesWildlife species Latest notification: G/LIC/N/3/SLV/5 Legislation link: Notes: Found by Secretariat