Basic information
Outline of the system
The Singapore National Environment Agency (NEA) regulates the importation of radioactive materials, ionising radiation irradiating apparatus and non-ionising radiation irradiating apparatus.
Product coverage
The licensing system applies to radioactive materials, ionising radiation irradiating apparatus and non-ionising radiation irradiating apparatus.
Nature of licensing
If Automatic, administrative purpose
If Non-Automatic, description of the notified Non-Automatic Licensing regime
Products under restriction as to the quantity or value of imports
The import licensing procedures are not intended to restrict the quantity or value of imports. They are maintained for health, safety, and environmental reasons.
Questions for products under restriction as to the quantity or value of imports
Not applicable.
The system applies to products originating from which country?
The licensing system applies to products originating in and coming from all countries.
Expected duration of licensing procedure
Legal requirements
Is the licensing statutorily required?
The licensing procedures are maintained under the Radiation Protection Act and its Regulations. All import licensing procedures are statutorily required and published in government gazettes.
Does the legislation leave designation of products to be subject to licensing to administrative discretion?
While NEA administers the licensing system, the designation of products to be subjected to licensing and the abolishment of any licensing system require legislative approval.
Is it possible for the government to abolish the system without legislative approval?
While NEA administers the licensing system, the designation of products to be subjected to licensing and the abolishment of any licensing system require legislative approval.
Eligibility of applicants
Is there a system of registration of persons or firms permitted to engage in importation?
What persons or firms are eligible to apply for a licence?
Generally, all persons, registered firms and institutions in Singapore are eligible to register with NEA and apply for licences. Importers (end-user individuals) who intend to use radioactive materials / irradiating apparatus are required to demonstrate proof of competency by passing a proficiency test administered by the Radiation Protection and Nuclear Science Group, before a licence to use the item is issued (to the individuals).
Is there a registration fee?
Is there a published list of authorized importers?
Contact point for information on eligibility
E-mail address
Contact officer
Submission of an application
Administrative body(ies) for submission of an application
Singapore National Environment Agency (NEA)
Documentation requirements
What information is required in applications?
The following information is required in applications for import licences: particulars of importer, company registration certificate issued by the Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority, product description, product quantity, mode of transport, port of shipment/transport, product brand/serial number/model/make and country of origin.
What documents is the importer required to supply with the application?
Applicants are also required to furnish documentations showing the relevant radiation licences and compliance with international standards.
Window of submission of an application
How far in advance of importation must application for a licence be made?
Application for an import licence should be submitted a week prior to the shipment arrival date.
Are there any limitations as to the period of the year during which application for licence can be made? If so, explain
There are no limitations on the period of the year during which applications for licence and/or importation may be made.
Issuing the license
Can a licence be granted immediately on request?
All required supporting documents must be furnished for the licence application to be expedited. However, at least 1 working day is needed to assess and process the licence.
Can licences be obtained within a shorter time-limit or for goods arriving at the port without a licence
The licence processing time generally takes 1-3 working days if all required supporting documents are provided during application. A notification should be made for radioactive materials under Category 1-3 before the shipment of the radioactive source.
Which administrative body is responsible for approving application of licences?
Consideration of licence application is effected by a single administrative body (i.e. NEA) for most products.
Must the applications be passed on to other organs for visa, note or approval?
The importer does not have to approach more than one administrative body except for irradiating apparatus classified as medical devices that are also subject to evaluation and approval by the Singapore Health Sciences Authority (HSA) before they can be imported.
Are there any other conditions attached to the issue of a licence?
Applications for licences to deal in radioactive materials and irradiating apparatus are subject to the following conditions:
• For radioactive materials imported by the end-user company, the company must have a possession licence that specifies the type, quantity and serial number (for sealed sources) and quantity of radioactive materials that may be possessed. Individuals in the company using the source must have a licence to use radioactive materials;
• The company handling the transport of radioactive materials must possess a licence to transport radioactive materials. The transporter must ensure that the vehicle transporting radioactive materials displays a proper placard showing the radiation sign and that it is not left unattended;
• The disposal of unwanted, defective or decayed sources shall be the responsibility of the licensee who shall follow an approved method of disposal (e.g. Return to the manufacturer);
• For irradiating apparatus imported by the end-user company, the company must have a possession licence that specifies the model and serial number of the machine that may be possessed. Individuals in the company using the machine must have a licence to use these machines;
• Irradiating apparatus classified as medical devices are also subject to evaluation and approval by HSA before they can be imported for use in Singapore;
• NEA retains the right to impose additional licensing conditions and other administrative controls.
Fees and other administrative charges
Is there any licensing fee or administrative charge?
Licensing fees are required.
What is the amount of the fee or charge?
Licensing fees are required for the following classes of licences:
• a licence fee of S$40 per consignment;
• an annual licence fee of S$210 to manufacture, possess for sale or deal in irradiating apparatus or radioactive materials;
• an annual licence fee of S$155 - S$65 (for non-ionising irradiating apparatus from 2nd year onwards) to keep or possess radioactive materials and irradiating apparatus other than for sale (note: each unit of ionising irradiating apparatus requires individual licence);
• an annual licence fee of S$145 to use radioactive materials or ionising irradiating apparatus;
• an annual licence fee of S$155 to handle and transport radioactive materials; and
• an annual licence fee of S$105 to use high-power laser apparatus.
Is there any deposit or advance payment required associated with the issue of licences?
There are no deposit or advance payment requirements associated with the issuance of licences.
Amount or rate?
Is it refundable?
What is the period of retention?
What is the purpose of this requirement?
Refusal of an application
Under what circumstances may an application for a licence be refused other than failure to meet the ordinary criteria?
An application for an import licence is usually granted if it meets NEA’s requirements.
Are the reasons for any refusal given to applicants?
NEA will generally provide the reason(s) in the event of a refusal to issue a licence.
Have applicants a right of appeal in the event of refusal to issue a licence?
Applicants may appeal to the Minister in writing within 30 days of the communication of the rejection of the licence application.
If so, to what bodies and under what procedures?
Applicants may appeal to the Minister in writing within 30 days of the communication of the rejection of the licence application.
Are there any limitations as to the period of year during which importation may be made?
There are no limitations on the period of the year during which applications for licence and/or importation may be made.
What documents are required upon actual importation?
Upon actual importation, most importers are required to:
(a) make an Inward Declaration showing the correct description and quantities of each consignment made electronically through TradeNet;
(b) produce shipping documents such as the Bill of Lading/ Airway Bill, packing list and invoice;
(c) produce the radioactive source certificate, shipper’s declaration for dangerous goods and type of packaging for each consignment.
For consignments of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORMs), each consignment must produce the Analysis Certificate from competent laboratories on the NORMs.
Are there any other administrative procedures, apart from import licensing and similar administrative procedures, required prior to importation?
There are no other administrative procedures, apart from import licensing and similar administrative procedures, required prior to importation.
Conditions of licensing
What is the period of validity of a licence? Can the validity be extended? How?
Each import licence is valid for one month or until the shipment is cleared, whichever is shorter. Validity can be extended if the consignee can prove that the shipment was delayed.
Is there any penalty for the non-utilization of a licence or a portion of a licence?
There is no penalty for the non-utilisation of licence or a portion of it.
Are licences transferable between importers? If so, are any limitations or conditions attached to such transfer?
Licences are not transferable without the approval in writing from the relevant authority.
Foreign Exchange
Is foreign exchange automatically provided by the banking authorities for goods to be imported?
Not applicable.
Is a licence required as a condition to obtaining foreign exchange?
Not applicable.
Is foreign exchange always available to cover licences issued?
Not applicable.
What formalities must be fulfilled for obtaining the foreign exchange?
Not applicable.