Latest documents

Document titleDateDocument code
Committee on Import Licensing - Replies to questionnaire on import licensing procedures - Notification under article 7.3 of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures - The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
24 Feb 2017
Committee on Import Licensing - European Union - Steel import licensing system - Replies by the European Union to the questions from the Russian Federation concerning prior surveillance of imports of certain iron and steel products originating in certain third countries.
24 Feb 2017
Committee on Import Licensing - Replies to questonnaire on import licensing procedures - Notification under article 7.3 of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures (2015) - Qatar.
15 Feb 2017
Committee on Import Licensing - Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures - Notification under article 5.1 of the Agreement - Malawi.
14 Feb 2017
Committee on Import Licensing - Replies to questionnaire on import licensing procedures - Notification under article 7.3 of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures - Malawi.
14 Feb 2017
Committee on Import Licensing - Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures - Notification under article 5 of the Agreement - Republic of Korea.
03 Feb 2017
Committee on Import Licensing - Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures - Notification under article 5.1 - 5.4 of the Agreement - Argentina - Addendum.
20 Dec 2016
Committee on Import Licensing - Replies to questionnaire on import licensing procedures - Notification under article 7.3 of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures (2016) - South Africa.
20 Dec 2016
Committee on Import Licensing - Replies to questionnaire on import licensing procedures - Notification under article 7.3 of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures (2016) - Malaysia - Corrigendum.
13 Dec 2016
Committee on Import Licensing - Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures - Communication from Brunei Darussalam - Revision.
12 Dec 2016