Latest notifications

Notification title (notifications submitted in current year)DateNotification code
Committee on Import Licensing - Replies to the Questionnaire on Import Licensing Procedures - Notification under Article 7.3 of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures - European Communities - Addendum - Import Licensing Procedures for WTO Tariff Quotas for Live Bovine Animals.
14 Dec 2000
Committee on Import Licensing - Replies to the Questionnaire on Import Licensing Procedures - Notification under Article 7.3 of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures - European Communities - Addendum - Import Licensing Procedures for WTO Tariff Quotas for Live Young Male Bovine Animals.
14 Dec 2000
Committee on Import Licensing - Replies to the Questionnaire on Import Licensing Procedures - Notification under Article 7.3 of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures - European Communities - Addendum - Import Licensing Procedures for WTO Tariff Quotas for High-Quality Beef and Frozen Buffalo Meat.
14 Dec 2000
Committee on Import Licensing - Replies to the Questionnaire on Import Licensing Procedures - Notification under Article 7.3 of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures - European Communities - Addendum - Import Licensing Procedures for WTO Tariff Quotas for Frozen Meat of Bovine Animals.
14 Dec 2000
Committee on Import Licensing - Replies to the Questionnaire on Import Licensing Procedures - Notification under Article 7.3 of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures - European Communities - Addendum - Import Licensing Procedures for WTO Tariff Quotas for Frozen Beef Intended for Processing.
14 Dec 2000
Committee on Import Licensing - Replies to the Questionnaire on Import Licensing Procedures - Notification under Article 7.3 of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures - European Communities - Addendum - Import Licensing Procedures for WTO Tariff Quotas for Frozen Thin Skirt of Bovine animals.
14 Dec 2000
Committee on Import Licensing - Replies to the Questionnaire on Import Licensing Procedures - Notification under Article 7.3 of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures - European Communities - Addendum - Import Licensing Procedures for WTO Tariff Quotas for Live Sheep and Goats and Meat of Sheep and Goats.
14 Dec 2000
Committee on Import Licensing - Replies to the Questionnaire on Import Licensing Procedures - Notification under Article 7.3 of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures - European Communities - Addendum - Import Licensing Procedures for WTO Tariff Quotas for Manioc.
14 Dec 2000
Committee on Import Licensing - Replies to the Questionnaire on Import Licensing Procedures - Notification under Article 7.3 of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures - European Communities - Addendum - Import Licensing Procedures for WTO Tariff Quotas for Manioc, Arrowroot, Salep and Similar Roots and Tubers.
14 Dec 2000
Committee on Import Licensing - Replies to the Questionnaire on Import Licensing Procedures - Notification under Article 7.3 of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures - European Communities - Addendum - Import Licensing Procedures for WTO Tariff Quotas for Sweet Potatoes and Manioc Starch.
14 Dec 2000