Written Questions and Replies - India

Questions posed by memberReplies by member
G/LIC/Q/IND/1(20 Jan 1997)Replies by India to questions from Australia on its notification G/LIC/N/3/IND/1
G/LIC/Q/IND/2(21 Jan 1997)Replies by India to questions from the European Communities on its notification G/LIC/N/3/IND/1
G/LIC/Q/IND/3(20 Jan 1997)Replies by India to questions from the United States on its notification G/LIC/N/3/IND/1
G/LIC/Q/IND/4(08 May 1998)Questions from Japan to India on its notification G/LIC/N/1/IND/1/ Rev.1
G/LIC/Q/IND/5(11 Apr 2001)Replies of India to questions from Canada on its notification G/LIC/N/3/IND/3
G/LIC/Q/IND/6(19 Jun 2001)Questions from the United States to India on its notification G/LIC/N/1/IND/3 and G/LIC/N/2/IND/3
G/LIC/Q/IND/7(04 Jul 2002)Replies of India to questions from the United States (G/LIC/Q/IND/6)
G/LIC/Q/IND/8(25 May 2004)Questions from the United States to India on its notification G/LIC/N/3/IND/6
G/LIC/Q/IND/9(16 Jun 2004)Replies of India to questions from the United States (G/LIC/Q/IND/8)
G/LIC/Q/IND/10(08 May 2007)Replies of India to questions from the United States regarding India's notification G/LIC/N/3/IND/8
G/LIC/Q/IND/11(24 Jul 2008)Questions from the United States to India regarding its notification G/LIC/N/3/IND/9
G/LIC/Q/IND/12(08 Oct 2008)Replies by India to questions from the United States (G/LIC/Q/IND/11)
G/LIC/Q/IND/11/Add.1(27 Oct 2008)Follow-up questions from the United States to India
G/LIC/Q/IND/14(30 Apr 2009)Replies by India to questions from the United States (G/LIC/Q/IND/11/Add.1)
G/LIC/Q/IND/11/Add.2(06 Nov 2009)Additional questions from the United States to India
G/LIC/Q/IND/16(01 Nov 2010)Replies by India to questions from the United States (G/LIC/Q/IND/11/Add.2)
G/LIC/Q/IND/13(20 Apr 2009)Questions from Korea to India on Indian import licensing scheme for steel products and other items
G/LIC/Q/IND/15(20 Oct 2009)Replies by India to questions from Korea (G/LIC/Q/IND/13)
G/LIC/Q/IND/17(05 Oct 2011)Questions from Turkey to India on its import policy on marble and natural stones contained in document G/LIC/N/3/IND/12
G/LIC/Q/IND/18(13 Oct 2011)Replies by India to questions from Turkey (G/LIC/Q/IND/17)
G/LIC/Q/IND/19(16 Apr 2012)Questions from the United States to India
G/LIC/Q/IND/22(01 Nov 2012)Replies by India to questions from the United States (G/LIC/Q/IND/19)
G/LIC/Q/IND/20(11 May 2012)Follow-up questions from Turkey to India on the import licensing and quota system for marble and similar stones
G/LIC/Q/IND/21(01 Nov 2012)Replies by India on questions from Turkey (G/LIC/Q/IND/20)
G/LIC/Q/IND/23(10 Dec 2013)Questions from the European Union to India regarding its annual notification G/LIC/N/3/IND/13/Rev.1
G/LIC/Q/IND/25(17 Mar 2015)Replies by India to questions from the European Union (G/LIC/Q/IND/23).
G/LIC/Q/IND/24(10 Mar 2015)Additional questions from the European Union to India regarding its annual notification G/LIC/N/3/IND/13/Rev.1
G/LIC/Q/IND/26(19 Oct 2015)Replies by India on questions from the European Union (G/LIC/Q/IND/24).
G/LIC/Q/IND/27(12 Nov 2020)Questions from the European Union to India concerning tyres.
G/LIC/Q/IND/28(09 Apr 2021)Questions from Canada to India regarding quantitative restrictions on certain pulses
G/LIC/Q/IND/29(18 Oct 2023)Questions from the United States to India
G/LIC/Q/IND/30(12 Dec 2023)Replies from India to the United States (G/LIC/Q/IND/29)