A total of 71 government officials from developing and least-developed countries (LDCs) attended the WTO Workshop on Import Licensing and Notifications held virtually in English and Spanish from 27 to 29 September. The workshop aimed at strengthening the participants’ capacity to comply with notification obligations under WTO rules.
The objective of the workshop was to help government officials gain a better understanding of the WTO Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures and to strengthen their capacity to notify measures related to import licensing procedures. Training on notifications focused on the requirement to notify laws and regulations on licensing procedures and relevant changes (see Articles 1.4(a), 8.2(b) and 5 of the Agreement) and the requirement to complete an annual questionnaire on licensing procedures (Article 7.3 of the Agreement).
The workshop was co-organized by the Market Access Division and the Institute for Training and Technical Cooperation. Most participants were senior trade officials directly responsible for import licensing or notification issues in their respective governments.
More information on import licensing can be found here.