Member: KazakhstanLegislation no.: 2First published: 29.05.2014First EIF: 01.01.2015Legislation Status: In forceLegislation PDF: Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union EAEU_29.05.2014.pdfProduct categories: Ozone depleting substancesPlant protection chemicalsHazardous wasteNarcotics substances, psychotropic substances and their precursorsToxic substances which are not precursors of narcotic and psychotropic substancesRadio-electronic means and/or high-frequency devices of civil use, including those built-in or coming with other commoditiesSpecial technical means intended for covert obtainment of informationEncryption (cryptographic) meansHuman organs and tissues, blood and its components, samples of human biological materialsService and civil weapons, its main parts (components) and cartridges theretoCertain types of agricultural productsMedical productsWild live animals and plants Latest notification: G/LIC/N/3/KAZ/6 Legislation link: Notes: Previously notified in N3KAZ5