Electric lighting equipment
Product Coverage
Product description | Ex | HS Code | HS Nomenclature |
Ceiling lighting fixtures | |||
Chandeliers | |||
Discharge, incandescent, fluorescent, ultra-violet, infra-red etc. lamps, fixtures and bulbs | |||
Electric fireplace logs | |||
Electric insect lamps | |||
Electric light bulbs and tubes and parts and components thereof (except glass blanks for electric light bulbs), electric lighting fixtures and lighting fixture components (except current-carrying wiring devices) | |||
Flashlights | |||
Fluorescent, hot cathode | 85393100 | HS2017 | |
Lanterns (e.g. carbide, electric, gas, gasoline, kerosene) | |||
Lighting equipment for transportation equipment (e.g. for motor vehicles, aircraft, boats) |
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