Products exempt from licensing

Product Coverage

Product description Ex HS Code HS Nomenclature
Goods apprehended, abandoned, found at sea or stranded by it or salvaged from shipwreck and sold at auction
Goods destined for the provisionment of ships and aircrafts, under the terms of the applicable legislation
Goods involved in active and passive improvement operations, of temporary importation, reimportation in the state, reexportation and transit
Goods subject to the special customs regimes in the modalities of franc stores, bonded warehouses, franc deposit and special customs storage
Goods that do not require expenditure of currency, property of air and maritime navigation companies and destined for their exclusive use
Goods without commercial value, under the terms that will be defined in ordinance of the government member responsible for the area of foreign trade.
Industrialized goods, destined for consumption in the area of congresses, fairs and international expositions and assimilated events