Agricultural products (Annex 2)

Product Coverage

Product description Ex HS Code HS Nomenclature
"Homogenized" or "reconstituted" tobacco 24039100 HS2022
"Homogenized" or "reconstituted" tobacco 24041111 HS2022
-Legs, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in 02032200 HS2022
Aubergines (eggplants) 07093000 HS2022
Baby carrots 07061011 HS2022
Beet sugar 17011200 HS2022
Bell peppers (Capsicum annuum) 07096011 HS2022
Black (Vigna mundo (L)) 07133111 HS2022
Blond tobacco, pack of 20 24022040 HS2022
Blond tobacco, pack of 20 24022020 HS2022

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