Hazardous and health-related goods

Product Coverage

Product description Ex HS Code HS Nomenclature
Cosmetics containing substances listed in Annex 2, Regulation no. 748/2003(e) or other colouring agents, preservatives or UV filters than those listed in annexes 4-6 to Regulation no. 748/2003
Jokes and hoaxes with certain ingredients listed in Regulation 615/1999
Metal objects made of nickel, which may come into contact with human skin
Nonylphenol and nonylphenolethoxylates
Ornamental objects, games, tricks and jokes may not contain liquid substances or preparations, which are regarded dangerous according to Regulation no. 236/1990
Paint and colours containing >1% of toxic substances
Paint containing cadmium, cadmium compounds, specified lead carbons or sulphates
PCB’s, PCT’s, Ugelec 141, Ugelec 121 (Ugelec 21) and DBBT, equipment containing aforementioned substances

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