Import prohibited goods
Product Coverage
Product description | Ex | HS Code | HS Nomenclature |
Hazardous and toxic materials | Ex | 38085999 | |
Hazardous and toxic materials | Ex | 29039200 | |
Hazardous and toxic materials | Ex | 38248200 | |
Hazardous and toxic materials | Ex | 29039900 | |
Hazardous and toxic materials | Ex | 38248400 | |
Hazardous and toxic materials | 29104000 | ||
Hazardous and toxic materials | Ex | 38248600 | |
Hazardous and toxic materials | 29105000 | ||
Hazardous and toxic materials | Ex | 380855210 | |
Hazardous and toxic materials | Ex | 380855290 |
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