Automatic products under the Export and Import Law

Product Coverage

Product description Ex HS Code HS Nomenclature
Textured yarn 54033310 HS2022
Textured yarn 54033910 HS2022
Textured yarn 54034110 HS2022
Textured yarn 54033110 HS2022
Textured yarn 54033210 HS2022
Theodolites and tachymeters (tacheometers) 90152000 HS2022
Thermostats 90321000 HS2022
Thyristors, diacs and triacs, other than photosensitive devices 85413000 HS2022
Tiles, having a maximum surface area exceeding 0.3 m2 but not exceeding 1 m2 57042000 HS2022
Tiles, having a maximum surface area of 0.3 m2 57041000 HS2022