Non-automatic products under the Export and Import Law

Product Coverage

Product description Ex HS Code HS Nomenclature
Ambulances 87033311 HS2022
Ambulances 87033211 HS2022
Ambulances 87033251 HS2022
Amfepramone (INN), methadone (INN) and normethadone (INN); salts thereof 29223100 HS2022
Amfetamine (INN), benzfetamine (INN), dexamfetamine (INN), etilamfetamine (INN), fencamfamin (INN), lefetamine (INN), levamfetamine (INN), mefenorex (INN) and phentermine (INN); salts thereof 29214600 HS2022
Aminohydroxynaphthalenesulphonic acids and their salts 29222100 HS2022
Aminorex (INN), brotizolam (INN), clotiazepam (INN), cloxazolam (INN), dextromoramide (INN), haloxazolam (INN), ketazolam (INN), mesocarb (INN), oxazolam (INN), pemoline (INN), phendimetrazine (INN), phenmetrazine (INN) and sufentanil (INN); salts thereof 29349100 HS2022
Aminosulphonic acid (sulphamic acid) 28111920 HS2022
Ammonia in aqueous solution 28142000 HS2022
Ammonium chloride 28271000 HS2022