Non-automatic products under the Export and Import Law

Product Coverage

Product description Ex HS Code HS Nomenclature
Matching transformers 85043422 HS2022
Matching transformers 85043241 HS2022
Matching transformers 85043425 HS2022
Matching transformers 85043251 HS2022
Matching transformers 85043311 HS2022
Maté 09030000 HS2022
Mats 40169110 HS2022
Matsutake (Tricholoma matsutake, Tricholoma magnivelare, Tricholoma anatolicum, Tricholoma dulciolens, Tricholoma caligatum) 07095500 HS2022
Mattress supports 94041000 HS2022
Mead 22060050 HS2022