Non-automatic products under the Export and Import Law

Product Coverage

Product description Ex HS Code HS Nomenclature
Mono-, dior trichloroacetic acids, their salts and esters 29154000 HS2022
Monobutyl ethers of ethylene glycol or of diethylene glycol 29094300 HS2022
Monochrome 85284920 HS2022
Monochrome 85285920 HS2022
Monochrome 85401200 HS2022
Monocrotophos (ISO) 29241220 HS2022
Monoethanolamine and its salts 29221100 HS2022
Monofilament 39169091 HS2022
Monofilament 39161010 HS2022
Monofilament 39162010 HS2022