Non-automatic products under the Export and Import Law

Product Coverage

Product description Ex HS Code HS Nomenclature
Balloons and dirigibles; gliders, hang gliders and other non-powered aircraft 88010000 HS2022
Balls 70021000 HS2022
Balls, needles and rollers 84829100 HS2022
Bamboo shoots 20059100 HS2022
Bamboos 14011000 HS2022
Bangles 71171910 HS2022
Bangles 71179010 HS2022
Banknotes, being legal tender 49070010 HS2022
Bar code readers 84719010 HS2022
Barbed wire of iron or steel; twisted hoop or single flat wire, barbed or not, and loosely twisted double wire, of a kind used for fencing, of iron or steel 73130000 HS2022