Non-automatic products under the Export and Import Law

Product Coverage

Product description Ex HS Code HS Nomenclature
Of a kind taken orally or for injection 30044911 HS2022
Of a kind taken orally or in ointment form 30042071 HS2022
Of a kind taken orally or in ointment form 30042091 HS2022
Of a kind used as a motor fuel 27112110 HS2022
Of a kind used for animal feed 10064010 HS2022
Of a kind used for automotive air conditioners 84148042 HS2022
Of a kind used for coating, in powder form 39079940 HS2022
Of a kind used for coating, in powder form 39073020 HS2022
Of a kind used for concrete reinforcement (rebars) 72142031 HS2022
Of a kind used for concrete reinforcement (rebars) 72139120 HS2022