Non-automatic products under the Export and Import Law

Product Coverage

Product description Ex HS Code HS Nomenclature
Of a wet strength of 40 g to 60 g, of a kind used in the manufacture of plywood adhesive tape 48045130 HS2022
Of a wet strength of 40 g to 60 g, of a kind used in the manufacture of plywood adhesive tape 48043130 HS2022
Of a wet strength of 40 g to 60 g, of a kind used in the manufacture of plywood adhesive tape 48043910 HS2022
Of a width exceeding 450 mm 40129022 HS2022
Of a width exceeding 450 mm 40129072 HS2022
Of a width not exceeding 1,250 mm 72091610 HS2022
Of a width not exceeding 1,250 mm 72091710 HS2022
Of a width not exceeding 1,250 mm 72092610 HS2022
Of a width not exceeding 1,250 mm 72092710 HS2022
Of a width not exceeding 15 cm 48025561 HS2022