Non-automatic products under the Export and Import Law

Product Coverage

Product description Ex HS Code HS Nomenclature
Of goods of subheading 8414.40 84149070 HS2022
Of goods of subheading 8414.60 84149031 HS2022
Of goods of subheading 8414.70 84149080 HS2022
Of goods of subheading 8414.80 84149032 HS2022
Of goods of subheading 8420.10.10 84209110 HS2022
Of goods of subheading 8420.10.10 84209910 HS2022
Of goods of subheading 8424.89.40 84249096 HS2022
Of goods of subheading 8425.11.00, 8425.31.00 or 8425.49.10 84311013 HS2022
Of goods of subheading 8425.19.00, 8425.39.00, 8425.41.00, 8425.42.10 or 8425.42.90 84311022 HS2022
Of goods of subheading 8428.10.31 or 8428.40.00 84313120 HS2022