Non-automatic products under the Export and Import Law

Product Coverage

Product description Ex HS Code HS Nomenclature
Optical disk drives, including CD-ROM drives, DVD drives and CD-R drives 84717040 HS2022
Optical glass, not optically worked 70031910 HS2022
Optical glass, not optically worked 70052910 HS2022
Optical glass, not optically worked 70042010 HS2022
Optical glass, not optically worked 70060010 HS2022
Optical glass, not optically worked 70049010 HS2022
Optical glass, not optically worked 70051010 HS2022
Optical glass, not optically worked 70031210 HS2022
Optical glass, not optically worked 70052110 HS2022
Orchid seedlings 06029020 HS2022