Non-automatic products under the Export and Import Law

Product Coverage

Product description Ex HS Code HS Nomenclature
Pine nuts, shelled 08029200 HS2022
Pineapples 08043000 HS2022
Pipe of a kind used to make sheath pipe (heater pipe) for heating elements of electric flat irons or rice cookers, with an external diameter not exceeding 12 mm 73063030 HS2022
Piperidine and its salts 29333200 HS2022
Piperonal 29329300 HS2022
Pipes and tubes containing by weight at least 30 % of nickel, with an external diameter not exceeding 10 mm 73064030 HS2022
Pitch 27081000 HS2022
Pitch coke 27082000 HS2022
Placebos and blinded (or double-blinded) clinical trial kits for a recognised clinical trial, put up in measured doses 30069300 HS2022
Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) 03022200 HS2022