Non-automatic products under the Export and Import Law

Product Coverage

Product description Ex HS Code HS Nomenclature
Polyurethane tar coatings 27150010 HS2022
Polyurethanes 39095000 HS2022
Pomegranate (Punica spp.), soursop or sweetsops (Annona spp.), bell fruit (Syzygium spp., Eugenia spp.), marian plum (Bouea spp.), passion fruit (Passiflora spp.), cottonfruit (Sandoricum spp.), jujube (Ziziphus spp.) and tampoi or rambai (Baccaurea spp.) 08109094 HS2022
Popcorn 10059010 HS2022
Poppy seeds 12079100 HS2022
Poppy straw 12114000 HS2022
Portable 85271310 HS2022
Portable 85271920 HS2022
Portable 85279110 HS2022
Portable receivers for calling, alerting or paging and paging alert devices, including pagers 85176291 HS2022