Non-automatic products under the Export and Import Law

Product Coverage

Product description Ex HS Code HS Nomenclature
Radiator panels; flat tube radiator assemblies of a kind used for distribution and power transformers 85049041 HS2022
Radiator shrouds 87089950 HS2022
Radio navigational aid apparatus, of a kind for use in civil aircraft, or of a kind used solely on sea-going vessels 85269110 HS2022
Radio remote control apparatus 85269200 HS2022
Radio transmitters and radio receivers of a kind used for simultaneous interpretation at multilingual conferences 85176210 HS2022
Radioactive residues 28444400 HS2022
Rail pads 40169960 HS2022
Rails 73021000 HS2022
Rails for ships 73089050 HS2022
Rambutan 08109030 HS2022