Arms and ammunitions

Product Coverage

Product description Ex HS Code HS Nomenclature
ML21 'Software', as follows: b. Specific 'software', as follows: 1. 'Software' specially designed for: b. 'Development', monitoring, maintenance or updating of 'software' embedded in military weapon systems
ML21 'Software', as follows: b. Specific 'software', as follows: 1.'Software' specially designed for: c. Modelling or simulating military operation scenarios
ML21 'Software', as follows: b. Specific 'software', as follows: 3. 'Software', not controlled by ML21.a., b.l. or b.2., specially designed or modified to enable equipment not controlled by the EU Common Military List to perform the military functions of equipment controlled by the EU Common Military List
ML21 'Software', as follows: b.Specific 'software', as follows:1.'Software' specially designed for:d.Command, Communications, Control and Intelligence (C3I) or Command, Communications, Control, Computer and Intelligence (C4I) applications
ML21 'Software', as follows:b.Specific 'software', as follows:2.'Software' for determining the effects of conventional, nuclear, chemical or biological warfare weapons
ML22. 'Technology' as follows:a. Technology', other than specified in ML22.b., which is 'required' for the 'development','production' or 'use' of items controlled in the Common Military List of The European Union
ML22. 'Technology' as follows:b.Technology' as follows:1. Technology' 'required' for the design of, the assembly of components into, and the operation, maintenance and repair of complete production installations for items controlled in the Common Military List of The European Union, even if the components of such production installations are not controlled
ML22. 'Technology' as follows:b.Technology' as follows:2. Technology' 'required' for the 'development' and 'production' of small arms even if used to produce reproductions of antique small arms
ML22. 'Technology' as follows:b.Technology' as follows:3. Technology' 'required' for the 'development', 'production' or 'use' of toxicological agents, related equipment or components controlled by ML7.a. to ML7.g.
ML22. 'Technology' as follows:b.Technology' as follows:4. Technology' 'required' for the 'development', 'production' or 'use' of 'biopolymers' or cultures of specific cells controlled by ML7.h.