Toxic substances except for precursors of the narcotic drugs and substances with psychotropic effects
Product Coverage
Product description | Ex | HS Code | HS Nomenclature |
Belladonna alkaloids | Ex | 2939800000 | HS2012 |
Brucine | Ex | 2939790000 | HS2012 |
Brucine | Ex | 2939800000 | HS2012 |
Cadmium cyanide | Ex | 2837190000 | HS2012 |
Calcium cyanide | Ex | 2837190000 | HS2012 |
Carbacholine | Ex | 2924190000 | HS2012 |
Chilibukhi extract | Ex | 1302199000 | HS2012 |
Copper cyanides | Ex | 2837190000 | HS2012 |
Ethyl mercerphosphate | Ex | 2852100008 | HS2012 |
Ethyl mercuric chloride | Ex | 2852100008 | HS2012 |