Food and medicines

Product Coverage

Product description Ex HS Code HS Nomenclature
Pacific salmon 03054100
Pacific salmon 03021200
Papaverine 2939109010
Parathionethyl 29201020
Parathionmethyl (ISO) 29201010
Peneid shrimp (Penaeus spp.) 03061310
Permethrin (ISO) (DCI) 29162020
Pethidine (DCI) 29333930
Pethidine intermediate A (DCI): 4-cyano-1-methyl-4-phenyl-piperidine or 1-methyl-4-phenyl-4-cyano-piperidine 29333940
Phendimetrazine (DCI), Phenmetrazine (DCI) and Sufentanyl (DCI) 29349060

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