Archived GATT Documents

No. Symbol Title Date
191 LIC/9/Corr.2 CIL - Third Biennial Review of the Implementation and Operation of the Agreement - Basic Document by the Secretariat - Corrigendum 02/12/1985
192 LIC/M/12 CIL - Minutes of the Meeting Held on 13 March 1985 22/04/1985
193 LIC/M/13 CIL - Minutes of the Meeting Held on 12 June 1985 24/07/1985
194 LIC/M/14 CIL - Draft Minutes of the Meeting Held on 9 October 1985 30/10/1985
195 LIC/W/25 CIL - Work Programme - First Stage - Note by the Secretariat 06/03/1985
196 LIC/W/25/Rev.2 CIL - Work Programme - First Stage - Note by the Secretariat - Revision 29/07/1985
197 LIC/W/26 CIL - Draft Minutes of the Meeting Held on 13 March 1985 29/03/1985
198 LIC/W/27 [CIL] - Draft Report of the Special Meeting of the CIL Held in Accordance with the Decision of the CONTRACTING PARTIES at their 40th Session regarding MTN Agreements and Arrangements (L/5756) - Note by the Secretariat 29/04/1985
199 LIC/W/28 CIL - Preparations for the Third Biennial Review of the Implementation and Operation of the Agreement - Note by the Secretariat 01/05/1985
200 LIC/W/29 CIL - Draft Minutes of the Meeting Held on 12 June 1985 02/07/1985