Basic information
Outline of the system
Argentina currently has two types of import licensing system, one automatic and the other non-automatic, both of which are established under Resolution No. 523/2017 of the former Secretariat for Trade and the supplementary and amending regulations thereto, former Secretariat for Trade Resolutions No. 898/2017, No. 5-E/2018, No. 170/2018, No. 507/2018 and No. 526/2018, Secretariat for Industry, the Knowledge Economy and Foreign Trade Management Resolutions No. 1/2020, No. 133/2020 and No. 102/2021, and Undersecretariat for Trade Policy and Management Provisions No. 3/2020, No. 5/2020, No. 9/2020, No. 10/2020, No. 29/2020, No. 30/2020, No. 5/2021, No. 7/2021, No. 21/2021, No.35/2021, No.36/2021, No.38/2021, No.8/2022, No.9/2022, Secretariat for Trade Resolution No. 1/2022 and SC Resolution No.26/2022.
Two explanatory manuals containing detailed and updated information on import licensing procedures can be found at:
Product coverage
Goods classified under all MERCOSUR Common Nomenclature (NCM) tariff headings and intended for definitive entry for consumption are subject to automatic import licensing, with the exception of those listed in Annexes II to XIV to former Secretariat for Trade Resolution No. 523/2017, as clarified and amended by former Secretariat for Trade Resolutions No. 898/2017, No. 5-E/2018, No. 170/2018, No. 507/2018 and No. 526/2018, former Secretariat for Industry, the Knowledge Economy and Foreign Trade Management Resolutions No. 1/2020, No. 133/2020 and No. 102/2021, and Undersecretariat for Trade Policy and Management Provisions No. 3/2020, No. 5/2020, No. 9/2020, No. 10/2020, No. 29/2020, No. 30/2020, No. 5/2021, No. 7/2021, No. 21/2021, No.35/2021, No.36/2021, No.38/2021, No.8/2022, No.9/2022, Secretariat for Trade Resolution No. 1/2022 and SC Resolution No.26/2022 which are subject to non-automatic import licensing.
The updated list of tariff headings covered by the automatic and non-automatic import licensing system, including the amendments made through the Provisions notified herein, may be viewed in full in Annex II to Resolution No.523/2017, which may be consulted through this link:
Nature of licensing
If Automatic, administrative purpose
Statistical information
If Non-Automatic, description of the notified Non-Automatic Licensing regime
Products under restriction as to the quantity or value of imports
Import licensing is not intended to restrict either the quantity or the value of imports. The purpose of the automatic licensing system is to obtain an advance supply of descriptive statistical information for the historical records.
Questions for products under restriction as to the quantity or value of imports
Not applicable. The import licensing regime established pursuant to the above-mentioned resolutions is not subject to quotas.
The system applies to products originating from which country?
Both types of licence apply to goods of all origins, without distinction.
Expected duration of licensing procedure
The system will remain in place for as long as the conditions that gave rise to its implementation persist.
Legal requirements
Is the licensing statutorily required?
The legal basis of the Argentine import licensing system consists of former Secretariat for Trade Resolution No. 523/2017 (Official Journal of 7 July 2017), as clarified and amended by former Secretariat for Trade Resolutions No. 898/2017, No. 5-E/2018, No. 170/2018, No. 507/2018 and No. 526/2018, former Secretariat for Industry, the Knowledge Economy and Foreign Trade Management Resolutions No. 1/2020, No. 133/2020 and No. 102/2021, and Under-Secretariat for Trade Policy and Management Provisions No. 3/2020, No. 5/2020, No. 9/2020, No. 10/2020, No. 29/2020, No. 30/2020, No. 5/2021, No. 7/2021, No. 21/2021, No. 35/2021, No. 36/2021, No. 38/2021, No. 8/2022 and No. 9/2022, and Secretariat for Trade Resolution No. 1/2022.
The updated text of Resolution No. 523/2017 may be viewed at:
Goods classified under all MERCOSUR Common Nomenclature (NCM) tariff headings and intended for definitive entry for consumption are subject to automatic import licensing, with the exception of those tariff headings listed in Annex II to former Secretariat for Trade Resolution No. 523/2017 and the supplementary and amending regulations thereto, which are subject to non-automatic import licensing.
Does the legislation leave designation of products to be subject to licensing to administrative discretion?
The Under-Secretariat for Trade Policy and Management of the Secretariat for Trade, under the Ministry of the Economy, is the implementing authority and is empowered to issue the supplementary regulations necessary for implementation, and to make changes to the universe of goods subject to automatic and non-automatic import licensing.
Is it possible for the government to abolish the system without legislative approval?
The executive branch does not need legislative approval to abolish the licensing regime.
Eligibility of applicants
Is there a system of registration of persons or firms permitted to engage in importation?
What persons or firms are eligible to apply for a licence?
All persons, firms and institutions engaged in import activities and entered as such in the Federal Public Revenue Administration (AFIP) Register of Importers are eligible to apply for import licences.
Is there a registration fee?
Is there a published list of authorized importers?
Contact point for information on eligibility
Undersecretariat for Trade Policy and Management, attached to the Secretariat for Trade, under the Ministry of the Economy
Julio A. Roca 651, Ciudad Autónama de Buenos Aires, Argentina
E-mail address
Contact officer
Submission of an application
Administrative body(ies) for submission of an application
Undersecretariat for Trade Policy and Management, attached to the Secretariat for Trade, under the Ministry of the Economy
Documentation requirements
What information is required in applications?
Importers submitting applications for automatic import licences are required to use, from 17 October 2022, the Import System of the Argentine Republic (SIRA)( Further information is available at: as approved by Joint General Resolution No. 5.271/2022 of the Federal Public Revenue Administration and the Secretariat for Trade (Official Journal of 4 October 2022)(Joint Resolution No. 5.271/2022 repeals Joint Resolution No. 4.185/2018 of the Federal Public Revenue Administration (AFIP) and the Secretariat for Trade establishing the Comprehensive Import Monitoring System (SIMI). Resolution No. 5.271/2022 is available for consultation at:, and to provide the information specified in Annex I to former Secretariat for Trade Resolution No. 523/2017 and supplementing and amending regulations thereto.
In the event that the requirements described above are not duly met within 10 working days of registering the import licence request, the procedure will automatically be cancelled and its status reflected in the system as "Baja Art. 4" ("Article 4 cancellation").
What documents is the importer required to supply with the application?
Window of submission of an application
How far in advance of importation must application for a licence be made?
Licences must be presented before the goods are cleared.
Are there any limitations as to the period of the year during which application for licence can be made? If so, explain
There are no limitations as to the period of the year during which a licence application and/or importation may be made.
Issuing the license
Can a licence be granted immediately on request?
The time limits for obtaining licences meet the requirements laid down in the regulations in force and fall within the maximum periods stipulated in Article 2.2(a)(iii), for automatic licensing of the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures.
Can licences be obtained within a shorter time-limit or for goods arriving at the port without a licence
Which administrative body is responsible for approving application of licences?
Pursuant to former Secretariat for Trade Resolution No. 523/2017, and the supplementary and amending regulations thereto, the administrative body for the submission of import licence applications and the implementing authority for the system is the Under-Secretariat for Trade Policy and Management, attached to the Secretariat for Trade, under the Ministry of Economy, and may, at any time during the procedure, request the involvement of the competent technical bodies, in accordance with Article 5 of the aforementioned Resolution.
Must the applications be passed on to other organs for visa, note or approval?
Pursuant to former Secretariat for Trade Resolution No. 523/2017, and the supplementary and amending regulations thereto, the administrative body for the submission of import licence applications and the implementing authority for the system is the Under-Secretariat for Trade Policy and Management, attached to the Secretariat for Trade, under the Ministry of Economy, and may, at any time during the procedure, request the involvement of the competent technical bodies, in accordance with Article 5 of the aforementioned Resolution.
Are there any other conditions attached to the issue of a licence?
No, only the requirements set forth in the above-mentioned regulations.
Fees and other administrative charges
Is there any licensing fee or administrative charge?
Import licences are processed free of charge.
What is the amount of the fee or charge?
Is there any deposit or advance payment required associated with the issue of licences?
There is no deposit or advance payment requirement associated with the issue of import licences.
Amount or rate?
Is it refundable?
What is the period of retention?
What is the purpose of this requirement?
Refusal of an application
Under what circumstances may an application for a licence be refused other than failure to meet the ordinary criteria?
The only reason for refusal is failure by applicants to meet the requirements set forth in the relevant regulations.
Are the reasons for any refusal given to applicants?
Applicants are duly informed of the reasons for any refusal.
Have applicants a right of appeal in the event of refusal to issue a licence?
All applicants have the right to plead an excuse before the assessment body.
If so, to what bodies and under what procedures?
Are there any limitations as to the period of year during which importation may be made?
There are no limitations as to the period of the year during which a licence application and/or importation may be made.
What documents are required upon actual importation?
All the information that importers are required to provide for import licence applications is set out in former Secretariat for Trade Resolution No. 523/2017 and the supplementing and amending regulations thereto. The required forms and documents can be found at: In addition, two explanatory manuals with detailed and updated information on licensing procedures can be found at:
Are there any other administrative procedures, apart from import licensing and similar administrative procedures, required prior to importation?
Certificates of compliance or exemption certificates, as appropriate, must be obtained in advance via the Integrated Foreign Trade System (SISCO) for goods covered by the provisions of former Secretariat for Industry, Trade and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises of the former Ministry of the Economy and Production Resolution No. 220/2003 and the amendments and regulations thereto.
Conditions of licensing
What is the period of validity of a licence? Can the validity be extended? How?
Import licences are valid for 90 calendar days from the date of their approval in the SIMI. This period may be extended by the implementing authority, at the request of the interested party, at least 15 days prior to expiry, and for good reason. Any extension granted for non-automatic import licences will, by extension, be granted to the period of validity of any automatic licences that are included in the same declaration registered in the SIMI. In this case, if the period of validity of the automatic licence has expired, the granting of the extension shall mean that this period will be renewed until the date that this extension expires.
Is there any penalty for the non-utilization of a licence or a portion of a licence?
There are no penalties for the non-utilization of a licence or portion of a licence.
Are licences transferable between importers? If so, are any limitations or conditions attached to such transfer?
Import licences are non-transferable.
Foreign Exchange
Is foreign exchange automatically provided by the banking authorities for goods to be imported?
There is no relation between the import licensing regime and the foreign currency exchange system.