Member: North Macedonia, Republic ofLegislation no.: 2First published: 05.04.2011First EIF: 06.04.2011Legislation Status: In forceLegislation PDF: Decision on Classification of Goods into Forms of Export and Import_05.04.2011.pdfProduct categories: Aluminium containersArms and ammunitionsBanknotesElectrical machinesEndangered mushrooms and plantsEndangered wild animalsFish, crustaceans and molluscsLive animals and products of animal originLive trees - forest treesLive trees, plants and vegetablesMachinery, mechanical appliances and equipmentManufactured articlesMetalsMineralsNarcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursorsNitroglycerinNuclear reactors and motor vehiclesOptical fibres, frames, appliancesOres, slag, ash and chemicalsOzone depleting substancesPaperPlastics and rubberPrecious metalsProducts of animal origin - bovine semenProhibited goodsSeeds, parts of plants, lac and gumsTextiles and footwearUranium and radioactive elements Latest notification: G/LIC/N/3/MKD/7