Agricultural products (Annex 2)

Product Coverage

Product description Ex HS Code HS Nomenclature
Ground 09012120 HS2022
Habanero or Scotch Bonnet (Capsicum chinense) 07096013 HS2022
Hand-made, with a cylinder composed of natural tobacco leaves, dried, smokable 24021011 HS2022
Hand-made, with a cylinder composed of natural tobacco leaves, dried, smokable, not exceeding in weight 1.36 kg per 1,000 cigarettes 24021021 HS2022
Husked (brown) rice 10062000 HS2022
In irregularly shaped lumps ("trimming") 02032910 HS2022
In irregularly shaped lumps ("trimming") 02023010 HS2022
In packings holding more than 3 kg 17029091 HS2022
In packings holding more than 3 kg 21031010 HS2022
In packings holding more than 3 kg 17023021 HS2022

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