Non-Automatic products
Product Coverage
Product description | Ex | HS Code | HS Nomenclature |
Antiquities | |||
Any ionizing radiation sources or any materials emitting ionizing radiation not mentioned above | |||
Apparatus and instruments physical or chemical analysis, such as polarization "Pollarimitr" metrics and measurements refraction of rays "Rafractomitr" and devices to measure wave lengths of the spectrum "spectrometer" devices and gas or smoke analysis apparatus and instruments for measuring or testing the degree of viscosity or porous | |||
Asphalt material or substance (V.R.) | |||
Automobile aerodynamic children fuelled play | |||
Blood irradiator units | |||
Bone densitometers | |||
Brach therapy units | |||
Calibration radioactive sources | |||
Cards and wireless devices used in wireless computer networks |
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