Non-automatic products under the Export and Import Law

Product Coverage

Product description Ex HS Code HS Nomenclature
Alaska Pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) 03025500 HS2022
Alaska Pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) 03036700 HS2022
Albacore or longfinned tunas (Thunnus alalunga) 03034100 HS2022
Albacore or longfinned tunas (Thunnus alalunga) 03023100 HS2022
Albums for samples or for collections 48205000 HS2022
Alcohol peroxides, ether peroxides, acetal and hemiacetal peroxides, ketone peroxides and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives 29096000 HS2022
Alcohol-damped nitrocellulose 39122012 HS2022
Aldicarb (ISO), captafol (ISO) and methamidophos (ISO) 29308000 HS2022
Aldrin (ISO), chlordane (ISO) and heptachlor (ISO) 29038200 HS2022
Alfentanil (INN), anileridine (INN), bezitramide (INN), bromazepam (INN), carfentanil (INN), difenoxin (INN), diphenoxylate (INN), dipipanone (INN), fentanyl (INN), ketobemidone (INN), methylphenidate (INN), pentazocine (INN), pethidine (INN), pethidine (INN) intermediate A, phencyclidine (INN) (PCP), phenoperidine (INN), pipradrol (INN), piritramide (INN), propiram (INN), remifentanil (INN) and trimeperidine (INN); salts thereof 29333300 HS2022