Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No.2020/760 of 17 December 2019 supplementing Regulation (EU) No. 1308/2013

Legislation no.: 
First published: 
First EIF: 
Latest published: 
Legislation Status: 
In force
Latest notification: 

Official Journal of the European Union, L 185


Previously notified in N2EU13 and N3EU10
Supplementing Regulation (EU) No.1308/2013 as regards rules for the administration of import and export tariff quotas subject to licences and supplementing Regulation (EU) No.1306/2013 as regards the lodging of securities in the administration of tariff quotas.
The Regulations will be applied to the tariff quota periods starting from 1 January 2021 onwards.

Specific rules on agricultural tariff rate quotas managed by licenses were laid down in more than 30 Commission Regulations.
These 2 new Regulations unify and simplify these rules in a single delegated and implementing act. Common horizontal rules will be applied on the majority of tariff quotas on agricultural products (meat (beef, swine, poultry) and processed meat (swine, poultry), milk and milk products, butter, cheese, eggs and egg albumin, cereals (wheat, barley, maize, sorghum), rice, sugar, garlic, olive oil, preserved mushrooms). Specific provisions are kept when required by international agreements or by certain specificities of the product/quota.
In particular, the Regulations lay down rules that:
- Set a series of conditions and eligibility requirements that an operator has to fulfil to submit an application for a tariff quota (e.g. for all tariff quotas an operator should be established and registered for VAT purposes in the EU; for certain tariff quotas the operator shall provide a “proof of trade”…)
- Set horizontal administrative rules concerning the application for licences and issuing of licences (timeframe, information to be included in the licence application and in the licence, inadmissibility of an application, notifications to the operators…)
- Set horizontal rules for the maximum quantities that can be applied for
- Set horizontal rules on the transferability of the licences
- Set horizontal rules on the validity of licences
- Update the references to certain customs documents to be provided when importing, to make them in line with the recent developments in the customs legislation (e.g. certain forms needed to prove the origin of the products)
- Set up an electronic management system for the management of Certificate of Authenticity and Inward Monitoring Certificate IMA1, which will be made available to the concerned Third countries.