Member: Korea, Republic ofLegislation no.: 4Legislation Status: In forceProduct categories: Advanced bio-medicine and human cellsAgricultural fertilizerAircraft partsAnimals and animal productsAquatic and marine animals, plants and their productsBiological resourcesBreeding stocks, semen, ovum, fertilized egg for the purpose of artificial inseminationCertified products labelled as organic, organic processed foods that have obtained equivalency recognitionChemical products and biocidesChemical substancesChildren's productsControlled substances under the Montreal ProtocolCosmeticsDefense materialsDrugs, drug substances, quasi-drugsEfficiency management machinery, equipment or materialsElectrical appliances, consumer products, packaging for children's productsFeedFilm, video, video game and music contentFirearms, swords and explosivesFood productsGenetic resourcesGrainHarmful substances (e.g. yellow phosphorous matches, benzidine)Hazardous wastesHigh pressure gas, container and facilities, gas appliancesHuman tissueHygiene productsKitchen waste grindersLegal measuring instrumentsLiquorLivestock productsMedical devicesMotor vehicles and construction machineriesMotor vehicles tire, motor vehicles, etc.NarcoticsNew chemical substances (e.g. chemical elements, radioactive substances)Nuclear materialsPersistent organic pollutantsPesticidesPetroleum, petroleum productsPlants, pests, containers and packaging for containing or wrapping plants, soilRadio, telecommunication and EMC equipmentRaw timbers, timber productsRecycling productsResources used in electrical and electronic equipment and vehiclesSafeguarding measures, harmful or hazardous equipment, protective equipmentSeedsSilkworm eggsSource material, by-products from processingSpecific chemicals, biological agents (pathogens for humans, animals and plants) and toxinsTobaccoWastesWater productsWildlife Latest notification: G/LIC/N/3/KOR/14 Notes: Previously notified in N3KOR13